


传统企业是人们联系的长期社区支柱, 记忆是形成的, 我们的社区意识得到了滋养. 传统企业也是就业的主要来源,在某些地区, 必不可少的社区设施.



Longtime businesses found in neighborhoods across Los Angeles 县 add to our rich history 和 culture.

不管是街边的家族面包店, 当地人最信赖的干洗店, 或者是你的伴侣求婚的餐厅, 这些熟悉而受人喜爱的地方是我们的传统业务.

他们是我们每个社区和社区独一无二的重要组成部分 是时候给他们点爱了.

The Conservancy launched our Legacy Business Initiative in November 2019 to raise awareness of the importance of legacy businesses throughout Los Angeles 县. We aim to broaden awareness of these places 和 share more about the 县’s history by highlighting the unique places 和 stories associated with longtime commercial establishments. We will also identify some of the pressures that come with running a longtime business 和 highlight strategies that communities have created to help.

We hope this microsite brings a greater underst和ing of the important role legacy businesses play in our neighborhoods 和 the challenges they face.



传统企业或长期企业对我们地区的传统和经济至关重要, yet many are not fully appreciated 和 acknowledged for what they provide to communities, 由于大流行,面临风险的人数越来越多. 高涨的租金, 发展的压力, 和 lack of succession plans are some of the ongoing challenges faced by many legacy business owners.​

A legacy business is a longtime business that typically has been around for over twenty years 和 serves as a mainstay of a neighborhood.

如果一个长期业务改变了所有权——它仍然是一个遗留业务吗? 不总是, 特别是如果一个新主人提供了一个全新的用途, 好, 或者是与关闭或转移到其他地方的长期业务无关的服务.

定义遗留业务的不仅仅是它的业务 长寿 还有它对社区的贡献 身份与传统,创建一个 地方感,文化感, 和 归属感 顾客和邻居.

政策 & 项目


2013年,旧金山遗产基金会成立 传统酒吧和餐厅 to encourage residents to experience the history of 100 of San Francisco’s most cherished longst和ing restaurants 和 bars. 2015年,监事会批准设立 旧金山传统商业登记处, which is now open to businesses 和 nonprofits thirty years or older that have made a significant impact on the history or culture of their neighborhood. 旧金山选民现在已经通过了一项法案,创建了 遗产商业历史保护基金, which provides grants to legacy business owners 和 property owners who agree to favorable lease terms with legacy business tenants.

2016年,西雅图市资助了一项研究 传统商业研究 to better underst和 issues affecting legacy businesses 和 consider recommendations to support them. 该研究于2017年完成,发现美国大学的项目.S. 城市主要帮助小型本地企业,而不是传统企业. 在国外的城市, 包括巴黎, 伦敦, 和布宜诺斯艾利斯, governments provide funds to promote 和 preserve cultural heritage assets such as legacy businesses. Seattle is currently developing a multilingual toolkit to help businesses with commercial leases 和 plans to support succession planning 和 to assist with the marketing 和 br和ing of legacy businesses.

旧金山遗产组织的政策文件, 维护旧金山的活遗产,信用 布宜诺斯艾利斯bare Notables, 在20世纪90年代为酒吧发起的官方指定项目, 咖啡馆, 和 other legacy businesses as inspiration for their own 传统酒吧和餐厅 initiative.


我们如何帮助受社区变化等因素影响的遗留企业, 经济困难, 老化的建筑材料, 以及年迈的创始人?

Legacy businesses vary widely 和 t在这里 is no one-size-fits-all solution to meeting their needs. 他们可能住在较旧的建筑物里, 无论是不起眼的还是具有建筑意义的. Some buildings may have been altered over time to support new uses by the original owner, 或者换了新主人.

在建筑或文化上具有重要意义的建筑物中开设的传统企业, 或者位于符合条件的历史街区, 可考虑指定地标. 在这些情况下, the building owner may take advantage of financial incentives like preservation tax credits 和 grants available to owners of l和marked buildings. Legacy businesses that are primarily culturally significant may have a harder time making a case for l和mark designation.

虽然指定地标可能有助于社区稳定和, 在某些情况下, 甚至有助于抵消租金上涨, it does not alleviate many of the day-to-day operational challenges facing a legacy business owner. 到目前为止, 地标性建筑的指定主要有利于建筑物的所有者, 不一定是企业的所有者或租户.

Technical assistance 和 small business funding provided by municipalities or nonprofit organizations may offer needed resources, 但一些企业主可能会发现很难获得这些服务, 或者不是专门为遗留业务设计的. 在这些情况下, legacy business owners would benefit from the creation of specific city- 和 county-wide tools.

在长滩进行的当地研究 found the future of its legacy businesses will come into question when baby boomer owners retire in the next five to fifteen years. 这就是豪尔赫·泰罗(Jorge Tello)的现实 流浪之家 在波伊尔高地. 而他妹妹承诺在他退休后继续经营这家店, 在她之后,当地的墨西哥流浪乐队音乐家会向谁寻求定制西装呢?

2019年9月,洛杉矶市议会通过了一项 运动 议员小柯伦·普莱斯., instructing the Economic 和 Workforce Development Department to study legacy business programs created in other cities 和 to provide recommendations for implementing a similar program in Los Angeles. The City Council’s Economic Development 和 Jobs (EDJ) Committee began consideration of a new citywide legacy business program in March 2022, 市议会在当年晚些时候通过的法案. 保护协会联合了20多个社区组织来支持这个项目. 有关该计划批准的更多信息可在 市议会档案编号. 19-0781.

2020年,帕萨迪纳市创建了自己的城市 遗留业务计划. 同年, the City of West Hollywood directed staff to explore the establishment of a legacy business registry, 保护基金, 以及对辖区内遗留企业的其他激励措施.

188betapp下载我们的 传统业务网络 随时了解支持长期业务的重要更新和资源.



通过今天光顾他们,帮助显示您对传统企业的支持. 我们邀请您分享技巧, 的想法, 和 resources in support of legacy business on social, 使用 # I支持LegacyBusinesses.

要随时了解为长期企业提供的额外支持,请188betapp下载我们的 传统业务网络.

资源 & 对遗留业务的支持

The Conservancy’s Legacy Business Grant program is available to longtime small businesses within Los Angeles 县.


  • Business must be operating 和 located within the boundaries of the 县 of Los Angeles
  • Business has operated 和 contributed to its community’s history 和/or identity for 20 or more years
  • 企业没有特许经营或隶属于全国性的连锁企业
  • 以营利为目的的商业
  • 全职员工少于25人.


到目前为止,我们已经在两轮融资中获得了5万美元的资助. 我们目前不接受申请. 今年是否有资金可用, 我们将在网站上通知公众, 社交媒体, 直接发邮件给那些注册了我们的 遗留业务网络 邮件列表.

有关此拨款计划的更多信息,请单击 在这里.

洛杉矶市于2024年2月启动了全市遗产商业计划. Businesses in operation for 20+ years in the City of Los Angeles may be eligible to apply for this free program, 提供:

  • 获得资金,包括赠款
  • 技术援助
  • 运营支持
  • 推广您的业务

了解更多并申请 位.ly / LAlegacy

The City of Pasadena’s Legacy Business Program was established by the City to recognize long-st和ing businesses which are independently owned, 并被证明是我们社区的重要组成部分. 传统业务 across the city are identified with a Legacy Business Marker 和 highlighted on the City’s website. 企业必须经营至少50年. 要了解有关资格标准和申请的更多信息,请单击 在这里.


通过今天光顾他们,帮助显示您对传统企业的支持. 我们邀请您分享技巧, 的想法, 以及在社交媒体上支持传统业务的资源, 使用 # I支持LegacyBusinesses.

让我们知道你最喜欢的长期业务在L.A. 县! 电子邮件 rsagara@minlu.net




在这一集“人+地方:保持L.A.的“传统业务”,我们讨论的是L.A. Conservancy's partnership with Wells Fargo to create a 传统商业资助计划 in Los Angeles 县!



70年来, C和elas Guitars一直在制作手工制作的吉他和小提琴, 每个人都有自己的艺术作品. 家族拥有和经营的第三代制琴师, 托马斯Delgado, 坎德拉也提供音乐课, 的维修, 和更多的.



SikavDwimfo被亲切地称为“Leimert公园的市长”.A. 图标. And so is his family-owned legacy business, located in the heart of historic Leimert Park Village. 50年前,西卡把他的艺术带到了洛杉矶.A. 没有他和他的工作.



1977年在圣费尔南多谷成立, this family-owned business was founded by Angelita Alvarez Rentería 和 is famous for its h和made tortillas, 新鲜的食材, 友好的服务. 过得的女儿, 阿尔文娜Renteria, 和孙子, 艺术月神, are among the second 和 third-generation family members who are running Lenchita's with pride